Donate to Grain

Grain relies on the support of provincial and federal funding bodies, and the support of individuals like you.

Typically, magazines survive through selling advertising and matching their content accordingly. Grain is different. Grain publishes literature. And we choose to publish original content that speaks for itself. Our pages contain culturally significant writing and art.

You can help us continue to publish high-quality, electic and diverse poetry, prose, and art, by making a one-time donation, a monthly donation (for as little as $5 per month), or a yearly donation. As a thank-you to show our gratitude, your name will be printed on our Donors page in the issue of Grain following your donation. 


Yes. For all donations over $10 you will receive an official charitable tax receipt. Tax receipts will made annually in February the following year.

SWG’s charitable registation number is 119140556RT0001.

Unless you ask otherwise, all donors will be recognized in Grain on the Donors Page, and in the SWG annual report within the year during which the donation was made.

Yes. You may send your cheque to the SWG office at: 

Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild
Box 3986
Regina, SK
S4P 3R9

Mentioning the SWG in your Will is a generous and wonderful gift. Please talk to your estate planner, your family or lawyer first and then contact the SWG Executive Director to set it up. 

No. If you don’t designate the SWG will apply your gift to the area with the greatest need. 


Donating to Grain means supporting literature. Supporting culture. Supporting writing.

Our Funders

Grain is grateful to its funders: Sask Lotteries, Canada Council for the Arts, and the financial support from its private donors.
Grain is published by the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild.